Avatar Nicholas Bainbridge
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× Avatar Nicholas Bainbridge
Home Resume Baking Adventures Contact Info Publications

Hey, I’m Nick and welcome to my page!
I have officialy completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Western Ontario, graduating with an Honours Specialization in Biochemistry and Chemistry. I have a particular interest in proteomic, and organometallic chemistry with applications in medicinal fields including prosthetics, drug synthesis, and imaging.

Currently I am working as apart of my NSERC-USRA research grant with Dr. Arghya Paul. I am creating, and characterizing hydrogels comprised of tungsten disulfide decorated with silver nanoparticles. I am also working to measure the rate of hydrogel crosslinking, and simulating DNA tetrahedron drug compatibilities.

I completed my undergraduate level thesis under Dr. Styliani Consta simulating weak protein-protein interactions using NAMD and VMD molecular dynamic simulations.

Over the summer of 2022, I worked in the lab of Dr. Lars Konermann , investigating solvent attributes in native electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (Native ESI-MS) using a combination of benchtop experiments and molecular dynamic (MD) simulations using GROMACS . I also do some side free-lance work rapid prototyping, designing and fabricating 3D modelled, and printed components built to the clients specifications.

I love the outdoors, hiking, kayaking, and biking as much as I can in the summer. Recreationally, tennis, volleyball, and soccer are my go-to sports having played the latter two competitively for most of my life. In the winter, I’m a huge downhill skier although recently I’ve starting mixing in some cross-country skiing as well.

Indoors, I’m a strategy game/puzzle fanatic and tinkerer. I’m also a huge baker/cook who loves making extravagant foods from across the world. The only thing that’s as satisfying as eating a delicious meal is sharing a delicious meal with friends and family that you can take pride in!